The expression “to go against the grain” means to say or do things that are not usually said or done. One of the biggest organisational challenges is to develop a culture in which this is possible or even encouraged.
But people who go against the grain are hard to handle for a manager. Very often managers are looking for comfort. They do not like people who do not follow automatically and who ask cutting knife questions. But remember that it takes courage to go against the grain. And if you give these grainers the necessary space, they will be of great value to you and your team or company.
Why someone chooses to go against the Grain.
A first reason might just be personality and value-driven. Some people just do that. They will always question the status quo for different reasons. A lot of time these reasons will be positive. They just want to do well, move on, do better. They go the extra mile and they do not accept mediocrity or short-term solutions that will need to be revised later on. They tend to look ahead.
A second reason might be circumstantial. The circumstances force them to go against the grain. Everyone potentially can go against the grain. So if you see that someone does that, ask yourself what it is that makes him or her do that. If going against the grain is a new kind of behavior you should worry or at least be interested.
A third reason might be health-related. People who have been very loyal and have put their energy at the service of some cause, might get exhausted. They might get exhausted because they feel there is no appreciation for their efforts. At a certain moment they turn their energy against the very cause they have been fighting for. This is the essence of burn-out. If someone is in that case, the only thing a company should do, is take care of that person.
The Value of going against the Grain
Going against the grain means that the person willingly takes actions that are different from those that are expected. It goes beyond voicing dissidence. It’s like the salmon: going against the stream to reach a different target than the water. Most fish follow the current, the salmon does not. The energy the salmon needs to go against the current is tremendous. It takes skill and perseverance to do that. It’s just the same for people who go against the grain.
It takes skill and perseverance to be a salmon.
Companies need people who go against the grain. The reason is simple. These are people that are often the moral compass. They challenge mainstream ideas and do not take anything for granted. Oh yes, they are difficult to manage. But having them in your company creates value. Acknowledging their energy will simply give them more energy.