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The summer is nearing its end, winter is coming, and HR is facing massive challenges.

To cite president Macron, we are at the end of the abundance. And so, in this post-abundance era, we need to adapt. We all know how difficult it is to change habits. But when the pressure is high, we might succeed. Countries are looking for alternatives to Russian oil, industries are searching to adapt the process and reduce fossil energy, and consumers are adapting their consumption patterns because they have to.

All of this has repercussions on organizations and employees. If organizations contemplate reducing their workforce because of dwindling production, they might have to think again. In times of scarce talent, they might find it difficult to rebound. Look what happened after the pandemic: businesses that had to let go of their people had a tough time restarting again. There aren’t enough people. Increased demands drive a part of this shortage, but an essential factor behind this penury is a demographic evolution that will not disappear.

People Washing?

“People washing “is the practice of espousing human-centric strategies only to improve the employer’s image. In good times this goes by unnoticed. But as the recession is looming, how organizations handle the consequences for their staff will be the litmus test.

HR will have to put the people issue on the table and look for creative solutions but uphold specific values and principles. HR Pro is working on defining the guiding principles for HR. We are asking HR professionals in Belgium to participate in a survey to check if these principles are valid and sufficient.

 Don’t forget, the raison d’être for is to create connexions in a very fragmented HR world, to take professional standards into our own hands, and to give a voice to a community that has a tremendous impact on the labor market.x

 Thank you for your trust. And take care.

David Ducheyne



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David Ducheyne

Author David Ducheyne

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