Labour Market October 13, 2014 Panic in the streets of Belgium. Working longer. The Problem of working longer There is panic in the streets of Belgium. The new… David Ducheyne 0 Love0
Labour Market February 9, 2014 Decent Work. Decent Life. The most important aspect of work is to have work. Of course the job has… David Ducheyne 1 Love0
Labour Market November 22, 2013 I-deals. Risky Deals? In an earlier blog I have written about I-deals and how these could provide solutions… David Ducheyne Love0
Labour Market October 18, 2013 I-deal, you deal for I-deals. Personalization of people management practices is the way forward in a world that has become… David Ducheyne Love0
Labour Market October 11, 2013 Is het nieuwe werken voorbijgestreefd? originally posted on Na Yahoo heeft nu ook HP besloten om het afstandswerken… David Ducheyne Love0
Labour Market December 18, 2011 Pension Reform: let's live now. These are difficult times for unions in Belgium. The government has (finally) decided to go… David Ducheyne Love0
Labour Market October 16, 2011 Greedom or Freed (about Greed and Freedom) The smell of Revolution The smell of revolution is hanging in the air. The so-called… David Ducheyne 0 Love0
Labour Market June 4, 2011 Youth Unemployment: The Spanish revolution On Friday May 27 2011, I witnessed how the Spanish Police in battle dress evacuated… David Ducheyne 0 Love0